Blast Red

4 votes

Blast Red is a 3D skill game where you find the red cube and remove it by launching an iron ball at it

This game is a simple and fun skill game that can be super addictive sometimes. There are two types of boxes and two types of balls; red boxes and balls, green boxes and balls. Your duty is to break all the red boxes and balls. Keep all the green boxes and balls.

  • Double Tap left mouse button - Break the Red Balls or Boxes
  • Hold and Rotate Mouse - Rotate the Camera
  • Double click on the red boxes and balls to break them.
  • Don’t let the green boxes and balls fall off the platform.
  • Some levels are super tricky. You’ll have to plan every move before you take action.
  • One wrong move and the green balls will fall from the platform.

Developed by IriySoft.

Gameplay Video

Video Thumbnail