Cook And Decorate

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Cook And Decorate is a restaurant game that allows you to decorate your kitchen while you are managing your restaurant.

Each level will give you certain goals. You must complete them to earn coins. Use the coins to purchase brand new items and upgrades for your kitchen. After completing each level, you’ll get stars. Use stars to buy new items such as flowers, a refrigerator, or a rug.

How To Play

Use the left mouse button for all the in-game cooking, serving, and decorating actions.

  • Mobile & Tablet: Touch
  • Desktop: Mouse
  • The in-game shop offers helpful items such as a second juice maker, second pan, or second plate for chickens.
  • Don’t take too long to serve customers; they might get angry and leave before you serve them.

Developed by Bofer Media (Twim Studio).

Gameplay Video

Video Thumbnail