The Impossible Quiz

4 votes

The Impossible Quiz is a quiz game where you answer challenging and often unconventional questions.

The Impossible Quiz is a fun trivia game that features a mix of straightforward and tricky questions. While some questions may seem simple, others will have unexpected twists. For example, if you're instructed to click the answer, the solution might surprise you. The game includes 110 entertaining and tricky questions, and you’ll have three lifelines to help you along the way.

How To Play

Simply click the correct answer using the left mouse button.

  • Mobile & Tablet: Touch
  • Desktop: Mouse
  • If you answer three questions incorrectly, the game will end and you’ll need to start over.
  • Many of the questions have double meanings, so take your time before choosing your answer.
  • Each question will provide you with four possible answers to choose from.

Developed by Splapp-me-do.

Gameplay Video

Video Thumbnail