Whack Your Computer

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Whack Your Computer is a humorous game where you get to destroy your office computer in different ways.

To help relieve stress, your office management has allowed employees to destroy their computers. Now it's your turn, and there are 12 different ways to do it. You can interact with various objects in the room and use them to destroy the computer.

How To Play

You can use the left mouse button to interact with objects in the room. Move the cursor over an item, and if it turns into a hand, you can click to interact with it.

  • Mobile & Tablet: Touch
  • Desktop: Mouse
Ways to Destroy Your Computer
  • You can smash your computer.
  • You can throw it out the window.
  • You can even call in an air strike.

Each time you destroy the computer, the girl will cheer for you.


Created by doodie.com and released in January 2006.

Gameplay Video

Video Thumbnail